Topics relevant for personal finance, including budgeting, financial planning, investment concepts, personal taxes etc.

10 Financial Formulas I Wish I Had Known When I Started Investing

Enhancing your analytical toolset beyond the basics When one is just starting to deal with markets and portfolios, all the information out there could be overwhelming and confusing. Especially without prior knowledge of key concepts or experience in using them. Online research usually produces unsatisfactory results, as most widely available posts offer mediocre learning resources

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Traditional Banks In Decline: The Case of Germany

As far as the retail customer is concerned, traditional banks have for some time now been viewed as parasite-like. Charging fees on almost any service they provide, amending their terms and conditions in ways that disadvantage their customers, and applying currency exchange rates that are too costly. This is also the case in Germany, where

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10 Underrated Investing Mistakes: Stocks, Bonds and Crypto

Individual investors make financial mistakes for all sorts of reasons — emotions and biases, lack of knowledge, misinterpreting what is happening in the market or the economy, or receiving bad advice. Each segment of the financial markets has its own specific characteristics, risks and driving factors. Failing to properly understand and appreciate them is usually

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Warning Signs for Investors: How Companies Can Fool You

What to pay attention to when deciding where to invest Companies cooking their books, inflating the number of customers, misrepresenting their activities, engaging in fraud… Over decades we have seen so many ways in which businesses in various sectors have attempted and succeeded in deceiving investors about how well they perform and how worthy they

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The ‘Equity Pension’ Experiment

Germany’s retirement reform — and where the ‘Aktienrente’ falls short If you are relying on a state pension anywhere in the world, you might wonder whether, by the time you reach retirement age, the government will really be able to afford to pay you one. This question is justified, especially in countries where it represents

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Germany’s Rising Cost of Living

As inflation spiked over the last 2 years and Germany is facing a recession, German residents have become much gloomier, according to various surveys. Households have seen a variety of costs in their everyday lives surge, which has hit their propensity to buy so hard that the drop in domestic demand has substantially weakened consumer

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7 Key Lessons for Investors from the 2023 Banking Sector Turmoil

Stress always returns to financial markets — but you can be prepared The content of this post does not constitute financial or investment advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. This is a published article on Medium where you can read the full version For a couple of months last year, beginning

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The Inflation Curse: How to Protect Your Investments

Inflation was stable at around 2% for a long time in developed economies — until it was not. High rates of inflation can be irritating, and extremely high rates can be life-threatening. Inflation not only damages a country’s currency, but it can impoverish a whole nation. As an investor, your focus should be on earning

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