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The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. MoneyCraft recommends the PiQ Suite (Affiliate Link): MoneyCraft subscribers receive a

The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. MoneyCraft recommends the PiQ Suite (Affiliate Link): MoneyCraft subscribers receive a

The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. MoneyCraft recommends the PiQ Suite (Affiliate Link): MoneyCraft subscribers receive a

The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. MoneyCraft recommends the PiQ Suite (Affiliate Link): MoneyCraft subscribers receive a

The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. MoneyCraft recommends the PiQ Suite (Affiliate Link): MoneyCraft subscribers receive a

The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. MoneyCraft recommends the PiQ Suite (Affiliate Link): MoneyCraft subscribers receive a

Forming expectations for equity performance from different perspectives Attempting to forecast equity market returns could very often turn out to be a fool’s errand. But we, as investors, already know

The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. MoneyCraft recommends the PiQ Suite (Affiliate Link): MoneyCraft subscribers receive a

The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. MoneyCraft recommends the PiQ Suite (Affiliate Link): MoneyCraft subscribers receive a

MoneyCraft recommends the PiQ Suite (Affiliate Link): MoneyCraft subscribers receive a promo code for 6 months FREE subscription to the PiQ Suite The cheat sheet pages are intended to provide

The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. MoneyCraft recommends the PiQ Suite (Affiliate Link): MoneyCraft subscribers receive a

The cheat sheet pages are intended to provide fundamental knowledge for absolute beginners or a refresher on the basics for those interested in reviewing the concepts covered in these bits.

The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. MoneyCraft recommends PiQ Suite: a great platform for financial news &

The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. MoneyCraft recommends PiQ Suite: a great platform for financial news &

The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. MoneyCraft recommends PiQ Suite: a great platform for financial news &

For DIY beginners in need of a systematic way to build wealth Investing can be quite daunting, especially in the beginning. You need to figure out where to start, what

The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. MoneyCraft recommends PiQ Suite: a great platform for financial news &

The cheat sheet pages are intended to provide fundamental knowledge for absolute beginners or a refresher on the basics for those interested in reviewing the concepts covered in these bits.

The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. MoneyCraft recommends PiQ Suite: a great platform for financial news &

Investing in a home has become a struggle in the EU The last 16 years have seen so much turbulence in the European residential property market — a financial crisis,

The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. MoneyCraft recommends PiQ Suite: a great platform for financial news &

Enhancing your analytical toolset beyond the basics When one is just starting to deal with markets and portfolios, all the information out there could be overwhelming and confusing. Especially without

The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. The Week in Global Markets Financial markets summary: – EUROPE: Despite

The cheat sheet pages are intended to provide fundamental knowledge for absolute beginners or a refresher on the basics for those interested in reviewing the concepts covered in these bits.

The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. The Week in Global Markets Financial markets summary: – EUROPE: The

Beginner investors often get caught up in the process of picking and adding assets or funds to their portfolios, as well as their performance. This can make them neglect any

The cheat sheet pages are intended to provide fundamental knowledge for absolute beginners or a refresher on the basics for those interested in reviewing the concepts covered in these bits.

The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. The Week in Global Markets Financial markets summary: – EUROPE: European

The topic of regulating the crypto world is highly controversial, as it concerns finding a suitable balance between the original concept of decentralized money/distributed ledger technologies and addressing the risks

The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. The Week in Global Markets Financial markets summary: – EUROPE: Investors

Politicians, analysts, critics and the like talk a lot about the economic situation in Germany, but it is not all the same everywhere in the country. Whether due to historical

The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. The Week in Global Markets Financial markets summary: – EUROPE: The

The cheat sheet pages are intended to provide fundamental knowledge for absolute beginners or a refresher on the basics for those interested in reviewing the concepts covered in these bits.

The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. The Week in Global Markets Financial markets summary: – EUROPE: This

As far as the retail customer is concerned, traditional banks have for some time now been viewed as parasite-like. Charging fees on almost any service they provide, amending their terms

The cheat sheet pages are intended to provide fundamental knowledge for absolute beginners or a refresher on the basics for those interested in reviewing the concepts covered in these bits.

The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. The Week in Global Markets Financial markets summary: – EUROPE: This

Individual investors make financial mistakes for all sorts of reasons — emotions and biases, lack of knowledge, misinterpreting what is happening in the market or the economy, or receiving bad

The cheat sheet pages are intended to provide fundamental knowledge for absolute beginners or a refresher on the basics for those interested in reviewing the concepts covered in these bits.

The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. The Week in Global Markets Financial markets summary: – EUROPE: European

When things go haywire in various traditional segments of financial markets, you would want to have at least some assets that can offset losses by moving in a different direction. Bitcoin, by the nature of its concept ...

The cheat sheet pages are intended to provide fundamental knowledge for absolute beginners or a refresher on the basics for those interested in going over the concepts covered in these

European stocks advanced again in this short holiday week, with the STOXX 600 closing a second straight quarter with gains. Benchmark indices also rose in Germany, France, Italy and Switzerland, while the EUR depreciated against the dollar, falling below 1.08.

At 60 years old, a couple of years before retirement, my dad asked me: “Do you think I should just put all my savings in Bitcoin, it’s gone up so

The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. The Week in Global Markets Financial markets summary: – EUROPE: In

Taxes, trading, regulation and product availability According to a Yahoo! Finance study from September 2023, Germany is in the top 20 countries in terms of Bitcoin owners as a share of the population.

The cheat sheet pages are intended to provide fundamental knowledge for absolute beginners or a refresher on the basics for those interested in going over the concepts covered in these

The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. The Week in Global Markets Financial markets summary: – EUROPE: European

What to pay attention to when deciding where to invest Companies cooking their books, inflating the number of customers, misrepresenting their activities, engaging in fraud… Over decades we have seen

The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. The Week in Global Markets Financial markets summary: – EUROPE: European

Germany’s retirement reform — and where the ‘Aktienrente’ falls short If you are relying on a state pension anywhere in the world, you might wonder whether, by the time you

The cheat sheet pages are intended to provide fundamental knowledge for absolute beginners or a refresher on the basics for those interested in going over the concepts covered in these

Does it really work? The short answer is — yes, but there are important caveats. Portfolio diversification is a core concept in finance and there is almost no financial adviser

The cheat sheet pages are intended to provide fundamental knowledge for absolute beginners or a refresher on the basics for those interested in going over the concepts covered in these

The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. The Week in Global Markets Financial markets summary: – EUROPE: European

The cheat sheet pages are intended to provide fundamental knowledge for absolute beginners or a refresher on the basics for those interested in going over the concepts covered in these

The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. The Week in Global Markets Financial markets summary: – EUROPE: This

As inflation spiked over the last 2 years and Germany is facing a recession, German residents have become much gloomier, according to various surveys. Households have seen a variety of

Stress always returns to financial markets — but you can be prepared The content of this post does not constitute financial or investment advice. It is intended for information and

The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. The Week in Global Markets Financial markets summary: – Europe: European

The cheat sheet pages are intended to provide fundamental knowledge for absolute beginners or a refresher on the basics for those interested in going over the concepts covered in these

The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. The Week in Global Markets Financial markets summary: – Europe: The

Substantial Risks or Overblown Concerns? The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. This is a published article on

The cheat sheet pages are intended to provide fundamental knowledge for absolute beginners or a refresher on the basics for those interested in going over the concepts covered in these

The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. You can also read this article on Medium and subscribe there.

The cheat sheet pages are intended to provide fundamental knowledge for absolute beginners or a refresher on the basics for those interested in going over the concepts covered in these

The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. The Week in Global Markets Financial markets summary: – Europe: The

What went wrong and what needs to be fixed in Europe’s biggest economy The worst-performing developed economy globally in 2023, with a contracting real gross domestic product (GDP) and a

The cheat sheet pages are intended to provide fundamental knowledge for absolute beginners or a refresher on the basics for those interested in going over the concepts covered in these

The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. The Week in Global Markets Financial markets summary: – Europe: This

Inflation was stable at around 2% for a long time in developed economies — until it was not. High rates of inflation can be irritating, and extremely high rates can

The cheat sheet pages are intended to provide fundamental knowledge for absolute beginners or a refresher on the basics for those interested in going over the concepts covered in these

The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. The Week in Global Markets Financial markets summary: – Europe: Equities

A key financial priority for most people who wish to manage their money prudently and responsibly should be the accumulation of an emergency fund. If you have gone through unexpected

This post is published on Medium.

The cheat sheet pages are intended to provide fundamental knowledge for absolute beginners or a refresher on the basics for those interested in going over the concepts covered in these

The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. The Week in Global Markets Stock markets summary: – Europe: Shares

A great way to build wealth through investing is to open a brokerage account – and many people are doing just that. But in some cases, there are pitfalls and

Financial planning is the intentional and purposeful pursuit of your life path – the things you wish to achieve, the places you want to go, the life you want to

The cheat sheet pages are intended to provide fundamental knowledge for absolute beginners or a refresher on the basics for those interested in going over the concepts covered in these

The content of this post does not constitute financial advice. It is intended for information and education purposes only. The Week in Global Markets Global stock markets generally disappointed in

With this post, I would like to provide a brief overview of popular Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) providers and some of their most well-known ETFs, grouped by various criteria. The universe

A logical starting point for a personal financial plan, a budget, or an investing plan, is determining one’s own financial objectives. This means asking oneself – what do I aim

If you are looking for truly memorable, insightful reading that can provide you with both education about money, markets, and investing, as well as practical and empirically tested knowledge and

Exchange-traded funds were introduced in the early 1990s in Canada and the US, and in Europe in 2000. They have experienced impressive growth due to their attractive features, relatively low

There are several well-known and widely used personal budgeting methods, all of which can be useful and have their advantages in certain situations, as well as flaws. I have personally

Platitudes rarely help, and yet, you can see them everywhere, even professional financial advisors say them. But what regular individual investors – especially beginners – need to know are real,

If you only consult social media accounts or influencer advice about personal finance topics, you will often notice that the predominant suggestion is “Ignore everything macro” or “Macro does not

When you are investing, you are exposing yourself to a variety of risks – some of which you can foresee, characterize and even try to estimate in advance. This gives